Wood Feature

$ 100 USD
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Wood Feature

$ 100 USD

The fascinating feeling we’ve all experienced when attempting to touch what you see in a LenticulArt is priceless!

It’s common for a LenticulArt to capture and hold eyes due to its mesmerising ability.
The hologram you’ve seen on this page and interacted with already barely scrapes the surface of the viewing experience of the physical LenticulArt in front of you!

You’ve probably heard from some LenticulArt members that they were “simply blown away after unboxing their LenticulArt” and that “sharing your experience online doesn’t do it justice to what it actually offers in person!”

It's true, this hologram will never be able to fulfil the experience achieved of a LenticulArt. A LenticulArt is a physical 3D artwork and changes with your interaction. However, this hologram is limited to the 2D device you are viewing it on and is the closest method to showcase a LenticulArt’s true visual experience.

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